Belly fat ranks high on the list of the most unattractive things that can happen to our bodies. We always want our bodies to have that disciplined and appealing look. But that excess fat in your belly isn’t going to help.
Interestingly, your look isn’t as serious a worry as the negative health implications of belly fat. Belly fat increases your chances of falling victim to adverse medical conditions such as asthma, dementia, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and lung disorders. So, whether you care about your looks or not, belly fat must go.
The good news is that you don’t have to torture yourself to achieve a slimmer waistline. There are easy and practical tips that will help you get rid of them, maintain sound health, and give your belly its best look. Let’s dig in.
What Is Belly Fat?
Not all fat in our body is dangerous. There is subcutaneous fat, which accounts for about 90% of body fat. This fat lies in a layer just under the skin. You can feel it by poking your belly. It’s responsible for the softness you feel when you do so.

The other body fat is visceral or abdominal fat, which contributes the remaining 10%. This fat is beyond your reach when you poke your belly. It hides in the spaces around your organs, such as the liver and the intestines. As small as visceral fat is compared to its subcutaneous counterpart, it can cause lots of problems for your health.
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What Causes Fat Belly?
First, let’s find out what causes belly fat. The reality is that fat doesn’t accumulate in your waist region in the blink of an eye. It takes a regular build-up, one which many people notice but don’t pay attention to until it gets out of hand. Interestingly, our habits are mostly to blame.
One will begin to accumulate belly fat when they expose themselves to a poor diet. Other causes include insufficient exercise and stress. There’s also the genetic aspect which is largely beyond our control. In the area of poor diet, fingers point to a heavy intake of calories. Specifically, taking in more calories than you use for a long period.
Exercises help you burn the calories your body receives so they don’t get to stay behind and cause damage. When your body doesn’t burn enough of your body’s calories, the excess ones stay behind as fat. Stressed people tend to eat more as a source of relief. This behavior can increase calorie intake. The same goes for excessive alcohol intake.
What Burns the Most Belly Fat?
There are lots of ideas on the internet about how to burn belly fat. Some work and others don’t. But we wouldn’t want to waste your time. Increasing your fiber intake is one way to burn the unwanted fat in your belly.
Fiber regulates food consumption because it makes you feel fuller for longer. The less food you consume, the fewer calories get into your body. All you need is 25 to 30 grams of fiber-rich food, such as avocados, oats, lentils, and flaxseeds.

Another way to get rid of unwanted fat in your belly is to reduce your salt and added sugar intake. Most of the added sugar we consume is from processed food and sugary drinks such as fruit juices and soda. Instead, opt for natural sweeteners like maple syrup and honey. On the other hand, too much salt will lead to bloating and water retention which will produce a bigger belly.
Also, you will need to cut down on your alcohol consumption. Taking lots of alcohol will bring in more calories than you need. From now on, limit your intake to one bottle. You should also get at least 7 hours of sleep a day. Lack of adequate sleep makes you feel hungry more often.
Lastly, lots of exercise will bring down your belly. Exercise helps you burn off excess calories. As a result, belly fat accumulation slows down. Swimming, cycling, running, jogging, dancing, weightlifting, and skipping are great ways to burn off that unneeded fat.
Start Taking Probiotics
One of the most useful tips for burning unwanted belly fat is using probiotic foods. Probiotic foods are potent belly fat burners. Probiotics are live bacteria and yeast that boost digestion and overall health. They do this by enforcing the natural balance of bacteria in the gut.
The right balance in your gut will contribute greatly to burning off the fat in your belly. In addition, they may improve the look of your skin. Examples of probiotic foods include yogurt, kefir, kimchi, and sauerkraut. Also, you can add probiotics to your meals in supplement form.
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Does Rice Give Belly Fat?
We can’t overlook rice, one of the most popular foods across the globe. Among the three types of rice; brown, white, and red, the brown one is the darling of nutritionists. It is also the best choice for combating belly fat.

Brown rice contains more fiber, vitamins, and minerals than white rice. Studies have also shown that people who consume brown rice have a lower risk of weight gain and fat accumulation. Although white rice is a healthy meal, it has no link with belly fat reduction.
How Do I Know What Type of Belly Fat I Have?
Once your body assumes a “pear shape,” that is, bigger hips and thighs, your visceral fat is more than required. Yes, the body needs some visceral fat too. So how do you ascertain what percentage of visceral fat your body contains?
The most accurate way to tell the composition of your subcutaneous and visceral fat is by conducting an MRI. But without an MRI, any waist size more than 35 inches for women and 40 for men contains too much belly fat.
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